Saturday, July 16, 2022

A New Journey Begins with a Demo in Connecticut

 The Niantic Bay Gallery in CT asked me to do a demo to kick off the new summer hours. Because I didn’t want to load props in my truck with all of my luggage we decided to do a portrait. Claudia Post asked her athletic neighbor if he would be interested in sitting and he agreed. I have been trying to paint Claudia for years now and she did well wrangling out of it with such a handsome model.

We had a big tent outdoors to lure in the street traffic. The lighting was a bit flat but I went to work anyway. We had a decent showing for such a nice day. It was nice to see some faces I hadn’t seen in a while! I had to paint quickly since I only had two hours. As I painted, I tried to explain what I was doing and why as I went along. 

I could have painted him all day but it was really hot out and my time was up. Everyone said they loved it, so I was happy.

After the demo we all went next door and we all enjoyed some great Mexican food! We finished the evening at Claudia’s. John the model joined us as well as Ian the new gallery director and Kate who modeled for Claudia many times. We has lots of laughs!

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