Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Happenings

Today my friend Jen Kelly joined me to bring paintings to the Rockport Art Association. We then visited John Caggiano in his studio and enjoyed looking at all of his great work. After a fantastic lunch of fresh fish, I gave Jen a tour of all my old haunts when I lived in Gloucester including Lane's Cove and Annisqaum. We ended up at the North Shore Art Association and did a painting there after being inspired by the wonderful work hanging there. Afterwards we headed to Bass Rocks and got a nice sunset scene in joined by John after he got all of his other work done. The weather was stunning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We were just gettting into our paintings when Ed Begley Jr walked up to us and started chatting. He was a really nice guy and seeing a celebrity was just the icing on the cake of a really great day!