My painting "Blue" was accepted to the National Art Encounter in Naples, Fl. I was really excited to have my painting accepted to a National show, but to have a life drawing was even better. They are my favorite subjects to paint, but I don't have many places that like to show them.
My happiness was multiplied when my friend Christine said she had a house there and invited me to stay during the show. We planned on doing many paintings while there.
We flew down on short notice without any problems and landed in very hot conditions. The heat effected our entire trip making it almost impossible to paint outdoors for long.
I managed to get in 5 paintings in 6 days. Quite a feat in 95 degree weather with almost 80% humidity!!!!
I did get many beautiful photos in and hope to get a large painting from it. I was forced to actually relax for most of the week which I realized that I really needed, especially before all my classes start the next week.
We flew home with no problems or delays finishing a really wonderful week in a very beautiful land!
NO one works harder than you do. Amen. Congrats on the Naples National Show.... and I hear you about the heat. It's just too damn hot there most of the time.